How To Create

All Your Strategic Marketing Videos and 10X Your Sales

Without Any Video Experience or Even If You Are Uncomfortable on Camera

and Get MORE Views, Likes, Comments, Shares Through Organic and Paid Video Content.

(10XERS BONANZA! Flood Of Video Content Marketing Loopholes Revealed)

"Video marketing is the way to go...35% more successful conversions from videos"

“Video marketing is the way to go. 4 Billion videos shared on YouTube every day. People buy from videos. 35% more successful conversions from videos than just by text kind of advertising. This is definitely the way to go. I strongly recommend you go with Sohan and Vas. They’ve developed an incredible program through VideoIt™. If you’re like me, you can overcome your own shortcomings, your own shyness/ introversion, and you can Video It and just do it. Join Us!”

- Will Knowland

"You can overcome your own shortcomings, your own shyness/introversion, and you can "VideoIt™" and just do it. Join Us!"

"I’ve invested in myself. I’ve invested in Sohan and Vas because I want to shorten my mistakes and I want to speed up the process of learning."

"I learned to commit first and figure out the rest later."

“In the beginning, I was not comfortable speaking organically in front of the video. Because it’s not my type and I’m an introvert. Doing a video in front of a lot of people…especially in a public place, it’s not my thing...But as you do it every day, it makes you comfortable with the uncomfortable. I learned to commit first and figure out the rest later. I’ve invested in myself. I’ve invested in Sohan and Vas because I want to shorten my mistakes and I want to speed up the process of learning.”

- Dr. Rhea Razon-Wu

"VideoIt™ teaches us to speak from the heart...and make that human connection."

"What’s different about VideoIt™? First of all, it teaches us to speak from the heart and not just give technical information…and making that human connection. And when you do that, it increases your sales...Get this, you don’t even need to memorize a script! You can actually make an outline on what you are going to speak about, and from your personal experience and your expertise, you transfer that onto the camera so it transforms the person on the other end to really engage with you on a personal level. It is one of the major tools that I use to make my videos better to connect with cold audiences, warm audiences, and hot audiences.”

- Mr. Malcolm

"From your personal experience and your expertise, you transfer that onto the camera so it transforms the person on the other end to really engage with you on a personal level."

So what is VideoIt™?

How Will You 10X Your Sales with Video?

From the Desk of


Renowned Speakers, Coaches, and Authors:

Sohan & Vas

Re: How To Get More Leads

Dear Friend,

Let me tell you a quick story about a 10Xer named Michael.

Michael secretly dreams of becoming a multi million dollar 10X entrepreneur.

Currently, Michael's focus is on proven marketing video strategies and video content marketing.

Michael really wants to 10X your business like many others have and live a 10X lifestyle with family and friends.

Right this minute, Michael would be ecstatic if he could get more leads, make more sales, and get more reach.

Unfortunately, Michael still needs to figure out how to stop going blank and sucking at being in front of the camera, create videos that actually sell, and dominate the market online and get more reach.

Michael is also really frustrated by the fact that it's very hard to attract loyal followers through video, Facebook and social media feel like yelling into an abandoned building, you have no clue how to engage and convert loyal followers into paying customers through video.

Plus, he needs the answers to these questions before he feels comfortable moving forward

  • How can I help and reach more people and get more leads through my videos?

  • How can I gain more visibility and make more sales with my videos?

  • How can my videos get more engagement and make me stand out from the crowd?

Michael is also still hung up on the idea that you have to have experience of tech and of being in front of the camera, if you don't know what to say on camera, your videos won't attract followers, and it seems like the people making money with videos online are people who have figured it all out and are comfortable speaking in front of the camera.

In fact, he feels like overpriced competitors actually don't want him to succeed with proven marketing video strategies or video content marketing.

When all is said and done, Michael just wants to get all his marketing videos done 100% strategically without needing to have any experience, smash his market with videos and build a loyal audience through them, and 10X his business the way many of the others have.

If Michael's story sounds at all like your situation, then I'd like to invite you to check out...

The VideoIt™ Membership Platform

The VideoIt™ membership platform makes it easy for you to create all your strategic marketing videos and get more views, likes, comments, shares and most importantly 10X your sales through organic and paid video content without needing to have any experience whatsoever or being comfortable on camera

If you want to create videos 100% strategically that actually convert on social media, eliminate endless days and nights of work and worry struggling to figure it all out on your own, and find your voice to attract, engage and convert loyal followers into paying customers... then you’re gonna LOVE this!

Here’s just a taste of what you get with VideoIt™

  • The real secret to success with proven marketing video strategies every 10Xer needs.

  • Everything you need for video content marketing in one place.

  • How to get more leads and so much more

  • ​Exactly what you need to make more sales every time.

  • ​The absolute best way to get more reach every 10Xer needs.

  • ​Makes it step-by-step simple for you to 10X your business like many others have.

  • Makes it a breeze to live a 10X lifestyle with family and friends no matter what your previous experience.

  • ​Stop needing to have any experience whatsoever or being comfortable on camera and get results.

  • The secret to stop going blank and sucking at being in front of the camera every time.

  • ​Understand exactly how to create videos that actually sell now... not later!

  • ​Easily dominate the market online and get more reach, even if you're starting from scratch.

  • ​Answers the question "How can I help and reach more people and get more leads through my videos?" once and for all​.

Here Is The Membership Platform Pro 10Xers Use To Quickly 10X Their Business The Way Many Of The Others Have

  • Reveals the quick and easy answer to the question on every 10Xer's mind: "How can I gain more visibility and make more sales with my videos?"

  • ​Gives you real world insight into answering the question "How can my videos get more engagement and make me stand out from the crowd?"

  • ​Discover how to create all your strategic marketing videos and get more views, likes, comments, shares and most importantly 10X your sales through organic and paid video content no matter what your past experiences may be

  • ​Get past the idea that it's very hard to attract loyal followers through video once and forever

  • ​Banish the notion that Facebook and social media feel like yelling into an abandoned building from your mind

  • ​Smash through the myth that you have no clue how to engage and convert loyal followers into paying customers through video permanently

  • ​Gives you the keys to create videos 100% strategically that actually convert on social media without the headaches.

  • ​The shortcut you need to eliminate endless days and nights of work and worry struggling to figure it all out on your own faster than ever.

  • ​STOP worrying about how to find your voice to attract, engage and convert loyal followers into paying customers once and for all.

  • ​The foolproof way to get all your marketing videos done 100% strategically without needing to have any experience that overpriced competitors don't want you to know

  • ​Find out how easy it is for 10Xers just like you to smash your market with videos and build a loyal audience through them

  • ​Unlock the secrets to 10X your business the way many of the others have faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible

Now, that's a tall promise, and at this point you might be asking...

Who Are Vas & Sohan And Why Should I Listen To Them?

As Seen On

But don't just take my word for it...

Take A Look At This

"So [it’s] something that has really helped with letting my natural personality come through.”

"VideoIt™ has really taught me... to be able to start letting that passion come through..."

“So something that VideoIt™has really taught me is to be able to start letting that passion come through on the camera…not to be scared…not to be nervous…to raise my voice, to get it out there and be myself. So [it’s] something that has really helped with letting my natural personality come through.”

—Michael Johnson

"I am going to be a speaker in front of hundreds...I am ecstatic because I know I can do it."

“So what did VideoIt™ do for me. It’s very simple and it’s just one word. Confidence! And I’m super thankful and super grateful about being so confident today that I am able to do video. A few months ago I was not even able to look at myself on the screen...Today, I am so confident...I have a message and I want you to hear my message. And you are going to hear my message. Next week I have an exhibition and I am going to be a speaker in front of hundreds of people. I am ecstatic, because I know I can do it.”

—Ludovic Pitrois

"So what did VideoIt™ do for me. It’s very simple

and it’s just one word. Confidence!"

"I would highly recommend doing the VideoIt™ program."

"What VideoIt™ has done for me is give me the confidence to put myself in front of the camera..."

“By doing video it I now am able to be in front of the camera and engage with my customers in a personal way and that has helped with my sales and that has helped me give additional content to my customers. I recently ran a challenge and that went very well and I know that I wouldn't have had the confidence to do that had I not done this program. Thank you.”

—Maribel Gray

"Two videos went viral!"

If you have been thinking of joining VideoIt™, go ahead and do it...Do it now!”

—Ludovic Pitrois

"If you have been thinking of joining VideoIt™, go ahead and do it...Do it now!"

"And I know that from where I was to where I am now, I just can’t thank VideoIt™ enough."

"When you do it from the heart, it flows easily."

“Because you may be doing it, but how do you do it better? That is the key. And I know that from where I was to where I am now, I just can’t thank VideoIt™ enough. One thing the I learned the most from VideoIt™ is not to have a plan. When you preplan and write it out, then you are reading it. When you do it from the heart, it flows easily. And I feel more comfortable doing my videos now.”

—Dr. Vicky Omifolaji

"I appreciate VideoIt™ and what is has done for me personally and professionally."

“What I’ve gotten out of this group is not only the camaraderie of getting to know other business owners who have the same thought process or have a similar anxiety to not be able to come in front of a camera...but more importantly, to learn from each other. And what VideoIt™ has shown me is how to take these algorithms or different concepts of topics that they provide…so that it can improve and enhance your business. And also, not just the business, but overall self to learn how to step out of the box to talk to people...I appreciate VideoIt™ and what is has done for me personally and professionally.”

—Dr. Niraj Patel

"...VideoIt™ has shown to take these algorithms or different concepts of topics that they provide…so that it can improve and enhance [my] business."

Here's Exactly What You Get With The "VideoIt™" Membership Platform

The Get All Your Marketing Videos Done 100% Strategically Without Needing To Have Any Experience System™ ($10,000 Value)

  • This monthly masterclass makes it simple to create all the video content you need for Facebook, IG, YouTube and more

  • ​Get all your marketing videos 100% strategically done, no matter what you that you never "have to" ever again

  • ​See REAL results like more views, likes, shares, comments and most importantly 10X your SALES rather than struggling to figure it all out on your own

The Proven Shoot-The-Video Success System™ ($9,000 Value)

  • This weekly "Implementation" session gives you the keys to receive and leverage every week, our research of more than 10,000 winning headlines and putting out over 1,000+ videos

  • Create your videos without having to guess on anything or spend valuable time and/or money testing

  • ​Create SUPER-PROFITABLE, easy and effective videos that will make your viewers do a double-take, click on your videos, and get them to take action on your product or service

Proven Marketing Video Strategies Domination for 10Xers™ ($9,000 Value)

  • This monthly LIVE Q&A is your key to write down what you want to say and guides you on when to say it

  • Never feel like you're stuck thinking and just flow

  • Get your videos noticed...even if you have zero followers or any other videos yet



($8,500 VALUE)



($11,000 VALUE)



($2,500 VALUE)




  • This online Facebook community makes it a snap to bounce video ideas off of each other, share a content topic, and pattern-interrupt ideas.

  • Ask questions, and get advice and support from fellow VideoIt™ members who are on the same journey to 10X their business!

  • Go into this heart-centered group at the time of the day or week or month...and someone will be on to support you, raise you up, encourage you, answer your questions, brainstorm with, and be each other’s sounding-board for your video ideas.

Total Value: $50,000

But today, you're getting all of this...

FOR ONLY: $1,164 Per Year

ACT NOW To Complete the Joining Process and Get Access To The LIMITED TIME Monthly Membership, No Contract - Cancel Anytime Option For ONLY $97/month

ALL YOU NEED TO DO TODAY is join for FREE for a 14-Day Trial and then you'll be billed $97/month after the trial period.

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YES! I Want Access For Only $27 Extra

ONE TIME OFFER: I would also like to access the video recording of Vas & Sohan's powerful 45-min mini workshop 'Sell Without Selling - through storytelling' that walks me step-by-step to help me craft my 2-3 minute power message that would get my audience to raise their hands with their credit cards to buy my offer - all this for only an extra $27 (a $900 value).

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Please select at least one item to proceed!

Here Is The “My Dog Ate It” Guarantee

We’re not asking you to decide yes or no today....We’re asking you to make a fully informed decision, that is all. The only way you can make a fully informed decision is on the inside, not on the outside. But you can’t make the decision right now for the same reason you don’t buy a house without first looking at the inside of it.

Try the ENTIRE THING for 12 full months, risk-free! Join the VideoIt™ Membership Program, participate, implement, AND jump on the “implementation sessions” every week...After completing all those, if you feel like this isn’t the greatest strategic video marketing membership of its kind, we’ll send you ALL your money back. That’s right—if you ain’t happy, we ain’t happy.

All you need to do is to email us your receipt with the title “My Dog Ate It!” and we’ll give you back your money—no questions asked—no hard feelings! Fair enough?

You can only make such a guarantee when you’re confident that what you have is the real deal and we’re very confident that when you sign up to VideoIt™, you’re getting exactly what you need to get more leads, potentially 10X your business like many others have long term, create all your strategic marketing videos to get more views, likes, comments, shares…and most importantly 10X your sales through organic and paid video content without needing to have any experience whatsoever or being comfortable on camera!

Stop Going Blank And Sucking At Being In Front Of The Camera with the My Dog Ate It Guarantee

Let us take you by the hand and

make it easy for you to…

  • 10X Your Business Like Many Others Have

  • ​Live A 10X Lifestyle With Family And Friends

  • ​Get More Leads

  • Make More Sales

  • ​Get More Reach

  • ​Stop Going Blank And Sucking At Being In Front Of The Camera

  • ​Get All Your Marketing Videos Done 100% Strategically Without Needing To Have Any Experience

  • ​Create All Your Strategic Marketing Videos And Get More Views, Likes, Comments, Shares And Most Importantly 10X Your Sales Through Organic And Paid Video Content

  • ​Do It All Without Needing To Have Any Experience Whatsoever Or Being Comfortable On Camera

​​...and Much, MUCH More!

Claim Your Access to The "VideoIt™ Membership Platform" Right Now!

  • The Get All Your Marketing Videos Done 100% Strategically Without Needing To Have Any Experience System™ ($10,000 Value)

  • The Proven Shoot-The-Video Success System™ ($9,000 Value)

  • Proven Marketing Video Strategies Domination for 10Xers™ ($9,000 Value)

Get More Leads, More Sales, More Reach...and Most Importantly More Profit Decoded!™ ($8,500 Value)

The Expert's Guide to Get All Your Marketing Videos Done 100% Strategically Without Needing To Have Any Experience™ ($11,000 Value)

Make-Your-Videos-Look-Awesome Decoded!™ ($2,500 Value)

Each One Teach One™ (Priceless!!! Value)

Total Value: $50,000

But today, you're getting all of this...

FOR ONLY: $1,164 per year

FREE 14-Day Trial and then $97/month after the trial period.

Register now and you'll be on your way to accessing the membership platform and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes…and using it to create all your strategic marketing videos and get more views, likes, comments, shares and most importantly 10X your sales through organic and paid video content in as little as 30 days!

Much love,

Sohan & Vas

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YES! I Want Access For Only $27 Extra

ONE TIME OFFER: I would also like to access the video recording of Vas & Sohan's powerful 45-min mini workshop 'Sell Without Selling - through storytelling' that walks me step-by-step to help me craft my 2-3 minute power message that would get my audience to raise their hands with their credit cards to buy my offer - all this for only an extra $27 (a $900 value).

Order Summary
Please select at least one item to proceed!

P.S.—If you want to create videos 100% strategically that actually convert on social media, eliminate endless days and nights of work and worry struggling to figure it all out on your own, and find your voice to attract, engage and convert loyal followers into paying customers...then VideoIt™ is definitely for you.

VideoIt™ is worth MORE than $50,000. This special price of $1,164 is a

"Take-advantage-of-it-NOW-before-it's-gone" act fast!

P.P.S.—Real talk: If you pass on this offer, will you stop going blank and sucking at being in front of the camera or not? Probably not!

Face it. Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who's "been there and done that" when it comes to proven marketing video strategies. Apply for this membership platform NOW and you too can create all your strategic marketing videos and get more views, likes, comments, shares and most importantly 10X your sales through organic and paid video content in as little as 30 days!

VideoIt™ is your key to 10X your business like many others have, get more leads, stop going blank and sucking at being in front of the camera, and get all your marketing videos done 100% strategically without needing to have any experience...

"So [it’s] something that has really helped with letting my natural personality come through.”

"So before that if I didn’t have that opportunity, who knows where I would currently be"

“But little did I realize the power that you can have if you leverage social media. One of the massive wins was it really, really, really got me in front of many leads within my industry, in my niche. So before that if I didn’t have that opportunity, who knows where I would currently be at this time."

—Andy Heyne

"VideoIt™ is a family"

“So being part of VideoIt™, I was able learn some pretty cool skills and apply some fantastic knowledge. Sohan and Vas are an inspiration to me. VideoIt™ is a family that has helped me build my video making skills and has encouraged me to keep pushing, as a person, to keep doing great things.”

—Kenneth Okezie

"So what did VideoIt™ do for me. It’s very simple and it’s just one word. Confidence!"

"I would highly recommend doing the VideoIt™ program."

"I was able to get paying clients"

“So I want to say this...Vas, Sohan and VideoIt™…You aren’t just a community, you are a coach and a mentor that teaches me how to make the proper types of videos with the right types of headline. In my first session of VideoIt™ I was able to get paying clients to pay me to make videos for them—to do makeup...—which is really, really amazing!"

—Kessa Gooden